Living Dangerously

Photo by Ashley Jurius
Have you ever wanted to utilize native <script />
within your React components, and just wanted a quick and easy solution? Before you reach for a lifecycle function, an Effect, or an effigy, try living dangerously, with React's <dangerouslySetInnerHTML />
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const MyComponent = () => ( <script dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: ` console.log('Wow, this is great.'); `}} /> );
Using this method, your script will load like and old normal, native script tag.
But why might you want to do something like this, aside from the fact that it's expedient, and declarative? Let's look at three common use-cases.
1. Third-Party
First and foremost, it's straight-forward to load a third-party resource using this approach.
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import * as snippet from '@segment/snippet'; const Layout = () => ( <script dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: renderSnippet() }} /> );
2. User Timings & Custom Metrics
In order to improve performance, you must start by measuring accurately! With the new User Timing spec, it's now possible to not only measure Load
and DOMContentLoaded
, but any number of timings.
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const MyMeasuredComponent = () => ( <Image src='cats.jpg' /> <script dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: ` performance.clearMarks("img displayed"); performance.mark("img displayed"); `}} /> );
For further reading on the things you can do with user timings and custom metrics, check out this awesome blog post from SpeedCurve
3. Structured Data
In order to comply with, it's necessary to render a script with type application/ld+json
. Here's what a <JsonLD />
component might look like, with our approach.
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import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; const JsonLD = ({ data }) => ( <script type="application/ld+json" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: JSON.stringify(data, null, 4), }} /> ); JsonLD.propTypes = { data: PropTypes.shape({}).isRequired, }; export default JsonLD;
Now, we can easily render the necessary scripts.
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const Layout = () => ( <JsonLD data={{ '@context': '', '@type': 'Organization', name: 'Rent-a-Cat, Inc.', url: '', logo: '', }} /> );
There you have it! A dead-simple method for loading scripts, along with three common use-cases.
Need something with a bit more fire-power? Try one of these fully fledged libraries: